Transforming the world with Blockchain

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Blockchain as a useful tool in promoting social development

Blockchain technology has reached different areas, given the potential to guarantee security, transparency, traceability and many other benefits. of people, generation of jobs and opportunities.

Among so many scenarios, it is interesting to mention the effects on social development, such as the possibility of financial inclusion and the transparency of supply chain management. This happens because a blockchain provides ways of storing and transferring information, publicly and reliably.

In this way, it is possible to increase access to financial services for people with disabilities in vulnerability, as well as guarantee that the resources reach those who, in fact, need it, offering a solution for improving the clarity and efficiency of the tracking of goods and services – the that would be useful in combating problems such as corruption and slave labor.

Another important subject that has gained prominence in the blockchain market is environmental sustainability.

The so-called “ESG Tokens” (which is ESG environmental, social, corporate and governmental basis) are value units, which represent a participation in a project that follows environmental, social and governance criteria. These investments, in general, aim to help promote sustainable and responsible actions in companies.

These assets can be used in various applications, such as environmental reporting on the blockchain, encouraging sustainable projects and even tracking company emissions.

The importance of market support

Commitment to building a better world is a goal of collective interest. From that point on, different segments can contribute, each in their own way, in order to achieve, together, a common purpose.

Among these agents, the Market is an important ally in transforming the planet through blockchains, since, through it, companies and individuals can develop and use new technologies.

From the possibilities of the tool and the diffusion of uses of blockchains, the resource reaches its full potential for transformation. From this, the market can contribute by encouraging innovation, enabling developers, companies and society to benefit from more transparent and real sustainable actions.

In this way, technology can be used widely, promoting economic, social and sustainable development.

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Categorias: Blockchain

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